Get involved this Federal Election!
The GetUp movement has a long history of fighting for integrity in politics – and this election is no different.
With real conversations with our communities, friends, families and neighbours we can cut through Morrison's spin, change hearts and minds, and shift votes.
Our movement is stronger than ever because we're made up of everyday people who care – if we mobilise now we can remind voters at every turn that Morrison has failed on integrity and push for real solutions that put people back at the heart of politics.
Will you stand with thousands of GetUp members who have pledged to take action - big or small - this election?
With real conversations with our communities, friends, families and neighbours we can cut through Morrison's spin, change hearts and minds, and shift votes.
Our movement is stronger than ever because we're made up of everyday people who care – if we mobilise now we can remind voters at every turn that Morrison has failed on integrity and push for real solutions that put people back at the heart of politics.
Will you stand with thousands of GetUp members who have pledged to take action - big or small - this election?
With so much on the line, GetUp has a plan to use this election to shift hearts and minds for a fairer Australia.
But we can't do it without you. Our movement needs thousands of people around the country fighting for change – that means people like you stepping up and being a part of the campaign.
By signing up today you won't miss a moment in our election campaign, will receive updates on key milestones and how you can get involved in trainings, postering, calling parties, stunts actions and more!
But we can't do it without you. Our movement needs thousands of people around the country fighting for change – that means people like you stepping up and being a part of the campaign.
By signing up today you won't miss a moment in our election campaign, will receive updates on key milestones and how you can get involved in trainings, postering, calling parties, stunts actions and more!
The Morrison Government has entrenched a system that lets huge corporations buy political favours while drowning out the voices of everyday people.
This election is a critical moment for us to fix that, and create a mandate for the next government to act.
Together we make the future – so will you pledge to get involved this election?
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