Stop Santos' CSG threat to the Great Artesian Basin
Australia's lifeblood - the Great Artesian Basin - is under threat from Santos' coal seam gas projects.
A new report has confirmed Santos' Narribri CSG project "could be enough to stop bores flowing throughout the basin, which is the sole water source for towns and farms across 22 per cent of Australia." [1]
The basin covers almost a quarter of the country, and is the only supply of fresh water for much of inland Australia. No Great Artesian Basin means no farming. It means no cattle-grazing. It means no irrigation, no drinking water for rural communities. Without overstating it, losing the basin would be catastrophic.
The blue bit in this map represents the Great Artesian Basin. You don't have to be a professional cartographer to note that it is frigging enormous.

Any risk to this water supply is simply unthinkable and unacceptable.
Can you write to NSW Premier Mike Baird right now and demand he protect our water?
[1] Great Artesian Coal Seam Gas Risk. The Australian. 7 November 2014