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2016's most memorable moments

As the year comes to a close, there's a few memories that really stand out.

Til my final days, I'll be relishing the moment when it became clear our movement had succeeded in unseating key leaders of the extreme hard-right.

I'll remember the winning moments of the campaign to stop the privatisation of ASIC, and succeeding in saving funding for renewables.

I'll remember being among the crowds of people rallying for justice for refugees and people seeking safety.

And I'll remember hearing the news that in the epic 'Grandpa Mark' Vs the Government battle - the Sydney grandpa had won his campaign to stand up for Medicare.

That's all thanks to GetUp members, all over the country, taking action when and where they can.

As this year wraps, hard-right powerbrokers say they need a force to match the GetUp movement1. In the same breath, they push for bans on GetUp members and other grassroots volunteers exercising our democratic rights.2 But we've got good reason to be hopeful going into 2017. When they attack us, what the billionaire corporations and their allies are underestimating is organised, strategic people power.

Are you with us? Let's get started. Pass this on and ask your friends to get involved in next year's efforts - an even bigger and better 2017.

- Paul Oosting, GetUp National Director


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