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Is Debt Here to Stay?

The parody ad to beat the Government's $15 million uni fees ad...

Education Minister Pyne spent $15 million in taxpayer money for his ad campaign to sell his controversial higher education package (with a plan this bad, you need to spend a lot to find a way to sell it). But we're not buying it – and nor is the Senate crossbench.

Despite harassing the Senate crossbench for months, sadly for Mr Pyne, nobody is picking up what he's putting down – and no wonder when it's 100K degrees and a lifetime of debt for students! And just this week, Ricky Muir put another nail in the deregulation coffin, telling reporters that this magnitude of change to teritiary education could only be taken to an election.

Mr Pyne's misguided reforms are starting to look more and more like mission impossible, but we'll need one last push to kick deregulation for good.

Sign the petition to send a clear message that the Government's splashy ad campaign to defend $100k+ degrees isn't convincing anyone — and then share our parody ad with your friends.
Have you seen Education Minister Pyne's $15 million uni fees ad? It's hilarious. Hilariously misleading that is, designed to hoodwink Australians into thinking $100k degrees will be good for students.

We're not buying it. Have a look at their taxpayer-funded ad now. Can you spot the difference?


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Sign the petition now and urge your representative to protect education.

Dear MPs and Senators -
Keep education affordable and accessible for all. Ensure all Australians have equal opportunity to a quality education, without being burdened by unsustainable debt.

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