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WATCH: Honest Government ad on Turnbull's NEG

Will Malcolm Turnbull's National Energy Guarantee (NEG) help cut pollution, build renewables or tackle climate change?

We know the answer is a resounding NEGative.

Our friends from the Juice Media have teamed up with Greenpeace Australia Pacific to make this hilarious video that clearly explains everything that's wrong with Turnbull's NEG. Check it out and share it with your friends!

  • It's worse than nothing

    The NEG in its current form will lock in polluting coal power for another decade and slam the brakes on renewables.

    The NEG's 26% emissions reduction target is too low to drive investment in renewable energy or meet our global commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement. Modelling from the Renewable Energy Index shows Turnbull's NEG will deliver less renewables than doing nothing at all. We must reject any national energy plan that doesn't grow renewables or cut climate pollution.

  • It'll keep ageing coal around for years

    Federal Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg has admitted the National Energy Guarantee will extend the life of pollution-spewing coal power stations.

  • Renewables are cheaper and can provide more jobs

    Investment in renewable energy will reduce power bills and provide for more jobs for everyday Australians

  • Keeping coal will make ordinary Australians suffer

    Every time the Government props up outdated coal, they hurt the rural communities at increased risk of bushfires, the tourism operators watching the Reef die before their eyes, and the families breathing in toxic pollution from coal-burning power plants.

  • Repowering Australia with clean energy will create a better life for everyone — it'll bring cleaner air, better jobs, and lower power bills.

    To do this we must move beyond burning coal and gas. We must upgrade our old energy system, ensuring a just transition for workers and communities, and ramp up our efforts to harvest the power of the sun and the wind.

    We already have the technology, skills and solutions to do this. Many Australians and local businesses are already leading the way. Now it's time for our elected representatives to step up and invest in a clean energy future.

    The Repower Australia Plan outlines how we can repower the country with clean energy, rewrite the rules of our failing electricity system and replace the polluters holding us back.


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