The ABC needs your help
"Millions of us rely on the ABC to keep us and our loved ones safe in times of disaster.
Now we learn the ABC's emergency broadcast budget is already running dry..."
Help support GetUp's campaign to save our ABC.
Now we learn the ABC's emergency broadcast budget is already running dry..."
Help support GetUp's campaign to save our ABC.
The Morrison Government's cuts to our ABC have real-world consequences.
The truth is: We need a well-funded and fearless ABC to keep us safe when disaster strikes.
The good news? We have a plan to fight back. We need the Government to hear from those who know the true value of the ABC. So we're going to mobilise in electorates passionate about our national broadcaster and help amplify their voices in Parliament.
Can you join the fight to save our ABC?
The truth is: We need a well-funded and fearless ABC to keep us safe when disaster strikes.
The good news? We have a plan to fight back. We need the Government to hear from those who know the true value of the ABC. So we're going to mobilise in electorates passionate about our national broadcaster and help amplify their voices in Parliament.
Can you join the fight to save our ABC?
Right now GetUp is analysing a dozen electorates where the Government is vulnerable and where love for the ABC runs deep. Then we'll use a collection of impactful tactics to lift up a diversity of voices across inner-city, suburban and regional areas:
- commissioning polling and research into public support for the ABC,
- putting the ABC back on the national agenda with hard-hitting creative content plastered everywhere and a sophisticated digital program,
- creating media interventions with clever ABC-themed stunts,
- training GetUp members to talk to people in their communities about the ABC,
- producing eye-catching campaign merchandise displayed in every corner of the country.
Want to donate by cheque? Download this form and mail it to us.