We believe in a society defined by social and economic equity, where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Our campaigns for Economic Fairness push for tangible, positive change like increased funding for social housing, local job creation, and a social safety net everyone can rely on.

People over profits – Stop price gouging now!

Prices are rising faster than ever, leaving everyday people struggling to afford life's essentials. Big corporations are pocketing massive profits while hiking costs, while the rest of us pay the price. It's time to take bold action to stop price gouging and ensure everyone can afford to live with dignity. Will you sign the petition and stand up for a fairer economy?

Demand action on the Cost of Living crisis!

We're crowdsourcing stories from everyday people to shine a light on the true impact of rising living costs across the country. From skyrocketing grocery costs to soaring utility bills, your stories are crucial in shaping the conversation. Our map is live! Click here to view the map, read the stories and add your own.

Everyone deserves affordable housing!

Just 1% of Australians own nearly a quarter of all investment properties. Corporations and wealthy investors are buying up homes, driving up prices, and locking out regular people. We need real change—regulate investors, stop profiteering, and prioritise affordable homes. Sign our petition to hold big investors accountable and demand action.

Help us fight for a fairer future!

Big corporations get away with paying little to no tax while profiting off the communities who helped build their wealth, meanwhile there are people worrying how they'll keep a roof over their heads. The GetUp movement is campaigning to make sure rich corporations pay what they owe and everyone has access to the support and services they need. Chip in to help support our work.

GetUp gives everyday Australians the chance to make an extraordinary impact – online, across the airwaves, and in the streets.

GetUp focuses and amplifies your voice alongside a million others so that you’re not just heard – you make a real difference. You help set the strategy, you choose the issues you want to work on, and together, we make a huge impact.

Get involved!