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Tax reform - the countdown is on

The Turnbull government is preparing to hand down it's tax reform platform - so we all need to push for the fair tax policies that the GetUp community has been fighting for.

The Coalition's plans are in shambles and backbenchers - terrified by their recent plunge in the polls - are ready to revolt on any policy that might cost them votes.

Over the next few weeks, hundreds of GetUp members will contact their MPs on different days. The strategy is to have Coalition offices hear from constituents like you every single day about the importance of fair budget alternatives.

Will you be one of today's fair tax reform champions and call your Coalition MP?

Here's our five step guide to having an effective call with your MP:

  1. When your call is answered, introduce yourself . Say your name, where you're from and that you would like to talk about tax reform.

  2. Explain why you're calling: tell them about the tax reform options that you want them to champion. If you're passionate about any particular policies you should focus on them.

  3. Ask your MP's staff where they stand on the issue and if they support the reforms you're asking about. If their answer doesn't sound up to scratch, let them know you'll be judging all candidates for the next election on their tax reform policies.

  4. Thank them for their time. Being short, succinct and polite is key

  5. Once you've made your call to your MP, we will send you a form so you can let us know how it went!
Your feedback is valuable to us, because we can start to piece together where each MP stands on fair tax reform measures.

Below is a summary of the biggest reforms that would fairly raise the revenue needed to reverse the $80 billion in school and hospital cuts. You can discuss any one of these, or make the case for revenue reform more broadly. Which of these makes you most mad? Do any of these affect you personally? Do you have any particular expertise in these areas? Remember, it's important to talk about what you're personally most passionate about, so do try to find your own unique angle.

    • Reform superannuation tax concessions. Instead of giving all the tax breaks to those at the top, give the bigger concessions to those who need them most, and in the process ensure everyone can save for their retirement.

    • Reform negative gearing and capital gains tax discount. Restrict tax concessions for negative gearing so they only apply to new housing stock, and remove the capital gains tax discount that predominantly benefit the wealthy. Australia is one of the few countries to allow negative-gearing losses to be offset against income – and no wonder given that fifty percent of this tax break goes to the top two percent of income earners. Reforming negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount will encourage investment in new housing stock, put downward pressure on rent, and make housing more affordable.

    • Strong crackdown on corporate tax dodging. Major corporations should pay the tax they are meant to pay, but it's been revealed that 579 of the top 1500 paid no tax in 2013-14. Whilst the Coalition passed laws late last year that will help in this area, more needs to be done, especially when its estimated at least $8 billion a year is lost in corporate tax dodging.

    • Introduce the 'Buffett Rule'. Thanks to tax loopholes and high priced accountants, Kerry Packer famously reduced his effective tax rate so he paid less tax than his gardener. 'The Buffett Rule' would put a cap on loopholes for the top 1% of income-earners to ensure they pay at least the same tax rate as middle-income Australians.
You can read more about these policies in the GetUp member funded Brighter Budget report here.


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