Let's go big on Renewable Energy!
Australia has the capacity to be a renewable energy superpower.
Since our Government hasn't shown much leadership on climate policy, we've spent the past few months doing the hard work for them.1
We've re-written the rules of our failing energy system and come up with creative and doable ideas that will ensure clean energy for every Australian. Our plan will repower Australia with renewable energy and protect our climate and future.
Check out our video outlining our five big ideas then share it with your MP!
- Just copy and paste this link to send it to your MP: http://www.getup.org.au/five-big-ideas
It doesn't matter who your MP is – these are the kind of bold, innovative ideas we need to show them are possible.
[1] A Plan to Repower Australia, ACF, GetUp!, Solar Citizens, Environment Victoria, Nature Conservation Council of NSW and 350.org, 2018.
You can download a copy of our five big ideas plan here.