Stop Dutton's dangerous nuclear agenda
Opposition leader Peter Dutton is taking a pro-nuclear position to the next election.
He's announced proposed locations for risky reactors in seven communities across the continent, but is dodging questions about the real costs and climate impacts of extending the life of polluting coal and gas with slow-to-build nuclear.1
We need to push back. Dutton's plan hinges on the hard-right's pro-nuclear lies gaining popular support so the Coalition can win the next election and overturn national and state-based bans on nuclear — won through decades of resistance led by grassroots communities and Traditional Owners.
Together we can show both state and federal leaders that our people-powered movement stands against any moves to risky nuclear – backing First Nations people leading the campaign to protect our communities.
He's announced proposed locations for risky reactors in seven communities across the continent, but is dodging questions about the real costs and climate impacts of extending the life of polluting coal and gas with slow-to-build nuclear.1
We need to push back. Dutton's plan hinges on the hard-right's pro-nuclear lies gaining popular support so the Coalition can win the next election and overturn national and state-based bans on nuclear — won through decades of resistance led by grassroots communities and Traditional Owners.
Together we can show both state and federal leaders that our people-powered movement stands against any moves to risky nuclear – backing First Nations people leading the campaign to protect our communities.

Nuclear would be a disaster for community health and our climate.
Dutton's plan would see communities impacted by radioactive nuclear waste for generations, with strong backlash from communities concered about health and Country.2
As communities face increasingly extreme floods, fires and heat, the need to move away from polluting coal and gas is more urgent than ever.
We already have the technology for a fast, safe transition to clean energy. Solar, wind, hydro and battery storage now make up nearly 40% of Australia's energy – and have none of the climate or radioactive risks of coal, gas and nuclear.3
Nuclear is the most expensive form of electricity and would take decades to get off the ground, ensuring polluting coal and gas keep burning.4
Right now, no state or territory Liberal leader supports Dutton's plan — and we need to keep it this way.5,6 With a concerted hard-right disinformation campaign and key elections in the Northern Territory and Queensland this year, there's a real chance that pro-nuclear lies could gain mainstream traction.
Together we can show state and territory leaders popular support for standing firm against Dutton and supporting the renewable energy transition.
Dutton's plan would see communities impacted by radioactive nuclear waste for generations, with strong backlash from communities concered about health and Country.2
As communities face increasingly extreme floods, fires and heat, the need to move away from polluting coal and gas is more urgent than ever.
We already have the technology for a fast, safe transition to clean energy. Solar, wind, hydro and battery storage now make up nearly 40% of Australia's energy – and have none of the climate or radioactive risks of coal, gas and nuclear.3
Nuclear is the most expensive form of electricity and would take decades to get off the ground, ensuring polluting coal and gas keep burning.4
Right now, no state or territory Liberal leader supports Dutton's plan — and we need to keep it this way.5,6 With a concerted hard-right disinformation campaign and key elections in the Northern Territory and Queensland this year, there's a real chance that pro-nuclear lies could gain mainstream traction.
Together we can show state and territory leaders popular support for standing firm against Dutton and supporting the renewable energy transition.
First Nations communities have led decades of resistance to radioactive waste and uranium mining, necessary for nuclear reactors.
Mirrar Traditional Owners in the Northern Territory led the national campaign to stop the Jabiluka uranium mine on their Country — successfully protecting cultural heritage, community health and their right to say no.7 And they're still fending off dangerous uranium mine proposals on their land.8
Last year, Barngarla Traditional Owners in South Australia won an eight year fight against a radioactive nuclear waste dump that would have had disastrous consequences for community health, land and water.9
Together we can back in Traditional Owners and come together for a nuclear-free Australia to protect all of our communities.
Mirrar Traditional Owners in the Northern Territory led the national campaign to stop the Jabiluka uranium mine on their Country — successfully protecting cultural heritage, community health and their right to say no.7 And they're still fending off dangerous uranium mine proposals on their land.8
Last year, Barngarla Traditional Owners in South Australia won an eight year fight against a radioactive nuclear waste dump that would have had disastrous consequences for community health, land and water.9
Together we can back in Traditional Owners and come together for a nuclear-free Australia to protect all of our communities.
[1] Peter Dutton reveals seven sites for proposed nuclear power plants, ABC News, 19 June 2024.
[2] 'A big risk': Voters wary of nuclear replacing coal-fired power, Australian Financial Review, 7 May 2024.
[3] Almost 40 per cent of Australia's electricity supplied by renewables, Clean Energy Council, 13 March 2024.
[4] Gas, rooftop solar, nukes: Dutton to take "most expensive" nuclear power plan to next election, RenewEconomy, 12 March 2024.
[5] Peter Dutton in standoff with state Liberal leaders over federal Coalition's nuclear plan, The Guardian, 24 March 2024.
[6] 'Hugely expensive' nuclear a 'Trojan horse' for coal, NSW Liberal says as energy policy rift exposed, ABC News, 14 May 2024.
[7] Fifteen Years on and still no mine at Jabiluka, Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation, 19 May 2013.
[8] 'Walk away': Traditional Owners defend Kakadu against a new push from uranium miners, The Guardian, 9 October 2022.
[9] Traditional owners win court case to stop nuclear waste dump in South Australia, The Guardian, 18 July 2023.
[2] 'A big risk': Voters wary of nuclear replacing coal-fired power, Australian Financial Review, 7 May 2024.
[3] Almost 40 per cent of Australia's electricity supplied by renewables, Clean Energy Council, 13 March 2024.
[4] Gas, rooftop solar, nukes: Dutton to take "most expensive" nuclear power plan to next election, RenewEconomy, 12 March 2024.
[5] Peter Dutton in standoff with state Liberal leaders over federal Coalition's nuclear plan, The Guardian, 24 March 2024.
[6] 'Hugely expensive' nuclear a 'Trojan horse' for coal, NSW Liberal says as energy policy rift exposed, ABC News, 14 May 2024.
[7] Fifteen Years on and still no mine at Jabiluka, Gundjeihmi Aboriginal Corporation, 19 May 2013.
[8] 'Walk away': Traditional Owners defend Kakadu against a new push from uranium miners, The Guardian, 9 October 2022.
[9] Traditional owners win court case to stop nuclear waste dump in South Australia, The Guardian, 18 July 2023.
To federal, state and territory party leaders,
Traditional Owners have led decades of resistance to nuclear, which risks community health and Country.
We urge you to stand firm against rolling back bans and opposition to uranium mining, nuclear reactors, radioactive waste, and nuclear weapons.
Dutton’s nuclear push would delay the urgent transition from polluting coal and gas to clean renewable energy.
17,422 signatures
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