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Demand the ALP protect water, cultural heritage, and consent

Traditional Owners won the Senate inquiry into Beetaloo Basin fracking nearly two years ago. And now we finally have the report and recommendations.

Their concerns and demands to protect water and cultural heritage ring clear throughout the final report.1 But it fails to make adequate recommendations about frackers' steamrolling Traditional Owners' consent to destroy Country. And there's nothing challenging the use of public money to fast-track destructive gas fields.

Can you back in Traditional Owners and demand the Albanese Government act on the good recommendations, and call out the lack of consent from communities?
    Across 14 recommendations, the report called for:
  • Federal cultural heritage laws to protect sacred sites,
  • Amend environment laws to expand the water trigger to include fracking,
  • Ensure frackers are accountable for climate pollution across the life cycle of their gas,
  • Hold an inquiry into Middle Arm gas hub, destination for Beetaloo gas.
With this Senate inquiry fracking report, we now have concrete recommendations the Australian Government must urgently address to protect water and cultural heritage.

But there is still work to do to ensure Traditional Owners and their families have a right to veto destruction, and stop gas and mining corporations from destroying Country.

Together, we need to sound the alarm with key ministers to ensure they heed the voices of Traditional Owners in standing up to frackers across the Beetaloo Basin – and act now.
Traditional Owners have been staunchly defending their Country against fracking for a decade. With support from GetUp members Traditional Owners fronted the inquiry in person. Their knowledge and experiences, along with GetUp's recommendations were cited throughout the report as key reasons for stronger action.

Traditional Owners outside the fracking inquiry with a banner saying Don't Frack the NTImage: Traditional Owners outside the fracking inquiry hearing.

This report is a step in the right direction – and together we need to push the Albanese Government to act on all recommendations.
[1] Oil and gas exploration and production in the Beetaloo Basin, The Senate Environment and Communications References Committee, 19 April 2023.


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