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No room for neo-Nazis

A balaclava-clad member of Combat 18, one of several pro-white gangs that has operated in Australia (Herald Sun)

The safety of our diverse communities is under threat. Extreme far right groups are on the rise, and have been named one of Australia's key security threats.1 But our Federal Government refuses to take action.

Meanwhile, neo-Nazi groups are gathering across Australia and becoming more and more brazen.2,3,4,5 We've been warned it could only be a matter of time before the destructive ideologies of these groups escalate into violence.6

Right now, the Victorian and NSW State Governments have a chance to lead the way.
Victoria is holding an inquiry into anti-hate laws, considering historic changes that would ban vilifying material like the Nazi swastika and give greater legal protections to our communities.

And NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman is in the process of seeking advice on the best way to enact a similar ban – among recent revelations of 31 incidents of Nazi flags being flown in NSW over the last two years.7

But to get these changes across the line, these states are going to need to see a groundswell of public support.

Can you add your voice and call on politicians in Victoria and NSW to lead the way by banning the Nazi swastika and protecting our diverse communities?
Last October, a neo-Nazi group planned to host a concert in Melbourne, featuring a band that sings about killing immigrants.8 Together, we delivered a 28,000 strong petition to the Victorian Government, signed by people just like you, demanding the concert be shut down. But, the Victorian Government said its hands were tied by a "deficiency in the law".9

The concert did not end up going ahead due to public pressure – showing that together, our voices can have an impact. But, unless stronger legal protections are put in place, hate groups will continue to gather and spread their destructive ideologies.

With the Victorian Government currently investigating Anti-Vilification protections and the NSW Government seeking legal advice to ban the Nazi swastika, we have the historic opportunity to stop hate in its tracks.

But for the laws to become a reality, politicians are going to need to see a groundswell of community support.

Can you add your name to the petition and call for politicians in Victoria, NSW, and across Australia, to legislate against hate?
[1] Neo-Nazis among Australia's most challenging security threats, ASIO boss Mike Burgess warns, ABC, 25 February 2020
[2]White supremacists condemned after announcing concert in Melbourne this October, 7News, 13 September 2019
[3] Jewish leader calls on government to address Nazi symbols in Tasmania, The Examiner, 29 February 2020
[4] Swastika graffitied at Queensland's popular Mount Morgan lookout, ABC, 23 January 2020
[5] Beulah Nazi flag incident prompts Victorian MP to call for state-wide Swastika ban, The Wimmera Mail Times, 20 January 2020.
[6] Neo-Nazis among Australia's most challenging security threats, ASIO boss Mike Burgess warns, ABC, 25 February 2020 [7] Nazi flags fly in NSW as state government deliberates on ban, The Daily Telegraph, 25 October 2020
[8, 9] White supremacist concert in Melbourne cannot be stopped, Premier says, ABC, 8 October 2019


Far right extremism in Australia is on the rise – and threatening our diverse communities. We call on the Victorian and NSW Governments, and politicians across the country, to legislate against hate.

We call for a ban on vilifying material such as the Nazi swastika, and for stronger legal protections against hate - no matter our race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.

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