Aug 18th 2021

Shareholders urge Origin to abandon fracking in the Northern Territory

WHAT: Shareholder resolutions lodged with the ASX
WHO: GetUp, Northern Territory Traditional Owners, Origin shareholders
WHEN: Wednesday, August 18

Origin Energy shareholders have urged the company halt its planned fracking operations in the Beetaloo Basin, in line with the wishes of Northern Territory Traditional Owners.

A shareholder resolution published by the ASX last night requests that Origin "cease all operations" across the Basin until Traditional Owners are given veto power over planned drilling that would disrupt cultural heritage and sacred sites. 

This and two other resolutions were written with Traditional Owners from across the Northern Territory, and shine a light on what they’ve been demanding for years: respect our water, our cultural heritage, and our right to say no. The resolutions include demands that Origin:

  • • Properly assess a baseline of water quality and cultural flows before drilling into the water table that could have far-reaching and devastating impacts;
  • • Support and uphold the necessary legislative changes that can protect cultural heritage and ensure Traditional Owners and their families have a right to veto destruction; and
  • • Commit to international standards on consent, and disclose all of their consent documents on consent negotiations to date.

Traditional Owners and Origin shareholders will present these resolutions at Origin’s Annual General Meeting on October 20th, 2021. 

The resolutions can be seen in full here.

Media contact: Alex McKinnon 0411 829 334
