Our movement works with the media to raise awareness of the issues we care about and hold decision makers accountable in the public arena.
This is a ‘crisis of equity and fairness’ and we need to be talking about what’s really driving the crisis and how to fix it.
People are rightly questioning why those who can least afford it are expected to cop all the pain and sacrifice. We don’t have a ‘cost-of-living’ crisis. We have a crisis of unchecked corporate greed and policies that favour the wealthy and powerful.
“Australia’s social cohesion offers protection from violent extremism, and must be safeguarded and strengthened. That means responsible rhetoric, moral leadership, and economic policies that don’t leave people out in the cold. At GetUp, we work for all three.”
The NT’s track record on water regulation is abysmal, and only federal oversight can prevent further environmental catastrophe.
Just last week at their AGM Empire claimed they haven’t had any water breaches and are compliant, showing Empire Energy cannot be trusted.
The map, released today by advocacy group GetUp, illustrates the impact of rising living costs, drawing from survey results of nearly 4,000 Aussies across all states and territories.
May 28th 2024
Larissa Baldwin-Roberts on the Voice: “A mandate to say, we are a nation with a whole bunch of unfinished business ands it’s not okay to keep putting it at the bottom of the pile.”
Oct 12th 2023
And as referendum day on a Voice to Parliament approaches, the debate is heating up. Both Yes and No camps are putting their message to Australians – how effective are their campaigns?
Sep 25th 2023
We only get change if we change the status quo. And I believe that the referendum is one step in the right direction. But we also need to deal with a lot of the unfinished business around land rights in this country, we need to look at how to make sure that people who live in Aboriginal communities in regional and remote areas actually have access to health and housing and education. We want to see treaties.
Aug 25th 2023
With the referendum on the Indigenous voice to parliament fast approaching, the polls show the no vote leading in most states. In this episode of special Full Story series The voice ask me anything, we discuss the recycling of a Howard-era scare campaign, the misrepresentation of First Nations views on the voice, and why the no vote is on the rise.
Aug 17th 2023
GetUp and Construction Forestry Maritime Mining Energy Union (CFMEU) members headed to the party's decision-making forum in South Brisbane today, in protest of climate change, the housing crisis and worker safety.
Aug 16th 2023
GetUp’s National Director and campaigners are available to talk about human rights, environmental and economic fairness campaigns, as well as democratic reform, social movements and elections.