Mar 20th 2019

Why won’t our PM get hate speech out of politics?

Liberal votes will help re-elect hate peddlers back into our Parliament if the Coalition fails to put One Nation and other scaremongers last on their how-to-vote cards.

Liberal votes will help re-elect hate peddlers back into our Parliament if the Coalition fails to put One Nation and other scaremongers last on their how-to-vote cards.

While the PM Scott Morrison has dodged questions about how he would deal with parties that spread hate speech, Pauline Hanson this morning told the ABC Liberal MPs have reached out to her “disgusted” with Scott Morrison’s suggestion that there will be no preference deal with One Nation.

GetUp National Director Paul Oosting said the Coalition is playing games, and until they unequivocally commit to putting One Nation and hate speech last, their words mean nothing.

“Politicians are telling us there is no place for hateful racists in our Parliament, they need to show us they mean it,” he said.

“Scott Morrison and the Coalition must rule out making any deals before and after the election with politicians or political parties that spout hate speech, and these people must also be relegated to the bottom of how-to-vote cards,” he said.

“We won’t get hate speech out of our politics until this happens.

“One Nation and their hateful policies must be put at the bottom of the ticket where they belong.

“Everyday people want our politics to be hate speech-free. If Scott Morrison refuses to commit to putting One Nation at the bottom of Liberal Party how-to-vote cards, there is a a real risk that Liberal votes will help re-elect scaremongers and hate peddlers back into our Parliament."

GetUp National Director Paul Oosting will also be speaking at a snap protest at News Corp's major Advertisers conference in Sydney at 12.0pm tomorrow, the protest was not organised by GetUp:
